Audio Talk — Reviews and recommendations — Magnify

Audio Talk

Ten Questions To Ask While Planning Worship - Mike Cosper


Format:  Audio Talk (67min)

Target Audience: Pastors, Music Directors, College Students

Key Ideas: Some guidelines and helpful examples of questions to ask when planning or reviewing services.

Suggestions for use: Listen with your service planning team.  Use as guidelines for reviewing and planning


  1. Context - Who is here?
  2. Context - Who needs to be here?
  3. Context - Who has been here before us?
  4. Clarity - Is it comprehensible?
  5. Clarity - Is it worth the cost?
  6. Theology - Is it true?
  7. Theology - Who's the hero of the story?
  8. Pastoral - Is it participatory?
  9. Pastoral - Does it speak to rich and poor alike?
  10. Pastoral - Does it prepare people for encounters with death?

Planning and Preparing Performances that Invite Participation - Bob Kauflin


Format:  Audio Talk (75min)

Target Audience: Music Directors, Musicians, College Students

Key Ideas: Preparing Corporate Worship, Gospel vs performance mindsets

Suggestions for use:  Listen with your music team, personal reflection


We want to help our churches see the glory of Christ more clearly, and not distract from it, and help our them to respond with their minds, hearts and wills.  How can we humbly and diligently prepare towards this end? 

A More Profound Allelujah: Worship and Theology in Harmony - John Witvliet


Format:  Audio Talk (50min)

Target Audience:  Pastors, Music Directors, College Students

Key Ideas: Corporate Worship as covenant renewal


John Witvliet proposes a model of 'covenant renewal' to help us understand and promote the essence and purpose of corporate worship.  His discussion around worship "moments" and "habits" is also very insightful...would love to hear more on this topic!