Song Writing for the Local Church
At Magnify we believe some of the best song writing flows from songs written for the local church.
Have you written a song that's encouraged your church? Or do you not even know where to start? Come along! Be encouraged, share some resources, get connected with other local song writers.
Do you lead a church or a team with people you could encourage to have a crack at this? Why not tap them on the shoulder and personally invite them to this event? Let them know you'd love them to think about using their skills to build up your church in this area.
We'll try and keep it tight so it doesn't take too much Saturday away from the family - but we always love the option of going out for a meal together afterward to keep networking and encouraging each other! So please stick around for lunch if you don't have to be somewhere else.
RSVP Here!
(Thanks again to our friends at Village church for hosting!)
[Photo by Wes Hicks from Unsplash]