Glory In The Darkest Place - Brittany Hope

In the darkness of night, in the garden of Gethsemane, our Saviour sang a song of glory. One of struggle and surrender, pain and trust. He teaches His people how to sing in the darkness and the hollow and the confusion. He is worthy of hope in the midst of perplexing and unwanted longing.
— Brittany Hope

Have you bought into the lie that God only wants, others only need, and therefore we ought only offer our brightest, happiest, and most palatable affections to God in worship?

Truth: God has both given us and desires to rightly stir in us a whole army of varied affections and emotions for both His glory and our edification.

Brittany Hope has gently crafted a whole record of holding some of these less voiced, darker emotions out for us where we can see the gospel of Christ deal with our places of pain, sorrow, loneliness, depressions, and anxieties. Just like the psalmists (Psalm88) and the apostle Paul (Rom 8:22-27), we see in these moments of darkness a heavenly Father who is ready to listen and be with us in these places, give us gospel assurance in these places, and point us to heavenly hopes that surpass our expectations for more in this life… take some time, open up your gates and spend some time with your loving Father listening to these honest, raw, edifying tracks. My personal favourites are “Rest in Jesus”, “Immanuel” and “Weary One”.