“Verse 1 Light has broken the reign of sin For the blood of Jesus can make us clean You in darkness, walk His way See the shadows pass away
Verse 2 For Truth has come - He was crucified The Word of life lifted up to die Come and see, the tomb is bare! Christ has risen - we declare
Chorus This is love - God has sent His Son So that we might live through Him Who gave His life as a sacrifice An atonement for our sin This is love
Verse 3 We now love for He loved us first With our lips, our lives, one another serve As we pour out everything for those who need God remains - love is made complete
Bridge This is Love - God draws near Claims the victory, drives out fear Satan’s work all undone This is love that overcomes ”
“Verse 1 Almighty God, did not withhold his Son For sinners he gave him up - sacrificed once for all So will not He graciously give all things Mercies and sufferings for those he loves
PreChorus If our God is for us who then can stand against If our God is for us who then can stand against
Chorus For in all these things we are more than conquerers Through the love of Christ raised from death to life Yes, of this I’m sure, none can separate us now From the love of God That is ours in Jesus Christ our Lord
Verse 2 Who can bring charges against God’s child? Who can condemn us now, those he has justified Christ who died, in victory raised to life Interceeds for us now at God’s right side
Bridge Neither ocean’s depths nor mountain’s heights Can separate us now Neither demon’s lies nor angels lights Can separate us now Neither pasts regrets nor futures yet Can separate us now Neither life’s array nor deaths decay Can separate us now”